Policy updated 25 November 2023 by Reach Physio Wirral.
As part of your initial assessment we will ask you or your legal representative to complete and sign a consent form. You may withdraw your consent to treatment at any time, at which time your treatment will cease.
We will collect and store the following information:
Basic demographics including your name, date of birth, home address and telephone numbers.
GP name and address.
Next of kin details.
Name of Social Worker if relevant.
Name of Consultant if relevant.
Name of care home or care agency if relevant.
All clinical notes documenting your assessment, treatment and a note of any telephone conversations whether with you, your next of kin or other health professionals involved in your care will be documented as part of your clinical notes.
The information you, your next of kin or other healthcare professionals provide about you, is used to complete a comprehensive assessment of your needs to enable us to provide a safe and appropriate treatment programme.
As part of your treatment, and with your consent, we may share information with other healthcare professionals involved in your care. This may be in order to complete a referral to another service or healthcare professional.
Reach Physio Wirral has a Duty of Care to share any Safeguarding Concerns relating to you. Information about you may be shared with other healthcare professionals and you would usually be notified of this at the time the concern arises.
Your information is securely stored. Data we gather during the course of your treatment is stored with a clinical notes software provider, WriteUpp, our "Data Processor". Our software provider will not resell your data and are compliant with their responsibility as a data processor under the GDPR.
The tools provided by WriteUpp, enable Reach Physio Wirral to comply with our responsibilities as a "Data Controller".
We do not retain any paper records relating to your treatment, any paper communication received in relation to your care will be scanned and uploaded to your clinical record on WriteUpp. Any paper records will then be destroyed. Any emailed correspondence will be uploaded to your clinical record on WriteUpp and the email will be permanently deleted.
Your data will not be used for marketing purposes. We are required by law to keep your data for 10 years, after this time your records will be permanently deleted.
You may request a copy of the data held by Reach Physio Wirral at any time.
Reach Physio Wirral is registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office).
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions around the way your data is used or stored.
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